[ICS3UI]Final Project for ICS3U (Grade11 Computer Science)

Final Project Doc

Shooting Game

User Part

  1. Start Program
  2. Display Controls (`w`, `a`, `s`, `d`, `l`, `esc`, etc.)
  3. Move `player unit` around the board and destroy your enemies and try not to get hit
  4. When you loose all the health gauge display your `final score` and `rank`
  5. Display the Greeting Screen and go to 1.

Programmer Part

   1. Start Program
   2. Use `w`,`a`,`s`,`d` to move the `player unit`
   3. Press `l` to shoot the bullet
   4. Use 'esc' to open the option menu
   5. If the `player unit` is hit by enemy's attack
     * Decrease the health gauge
     * If there is no health left
       - End the game
       - Record the score to offline DB
     * Reset the location and status of `player unit`
     * Apply penalty in score
   6. If the enemy is hit by `player unit's` Bullet
     * Illuminate the hit enemy
     * Make Bullet disappear
     * Increase the score
   7. If there are no enemy left
     * Increase the Level
     * Locate new enemies
   8. Display the `Real-time` Ranking
     * Update the ranking when every hit occurred

Pseudocode part

   1. Start Program
     * Set the basic settings
     * Print the starting screen
      -Show how to play the game
     * Show the loading screen
     * Read the offline DB and load the ranking to the structure array
   do {
       a) If keyboard is hit
         * If the key pressed is one of `w`,`a`,`s`,`d`
           - Move the player unit in the area of the boundary
         * If the key pressed is `l`
           - Shoot the bullet from the location of the `player unit`
         * If the key pressed is 'esc'
           - Display the option of the game
       b) If the `player unit` is hit by enemy's attack
         * Decrease the health gauge
         * If there is no health left
           - End the game
           - Record the score to offline DB
         * Reset the location and status of `player unit`
         * Apply penalty in score
       c) If the enemy is hit by `player unit's` Bullet
         * Illuminate the hit enemy
         * Make Bullet disappear
         * Increase the score
         * If there are no enemies left
           - Increase the Level
           - Locate new enemies
       d) If it's specific enemy's tern to shoot
         * Shoot the bullet
         * Set the cool-time timer for specific enemy to shoot bullet again
       e) Decrease the cool-time timer by 1
       f) Display the `Real-time` Ranking
         * Update the ranking when every hit occurred
   } while (health gauge is not empty)

Flowchart part

Due Dates

Fix error of player shooting basic bullets: May 31stFix errors of enemy shooting bullets: May 31stMake enemy to move: June 10thDisplay Health gauge: June 5th
  ■ Create the option tab: June 8th
  ■ Create the user manual & tutorials: June 14th
  ■ Fix other errors: June 14th


  ■ Fix error of player shooting basic bullets
  ■ Fix errors of enemy shooting bullets
  ■ Display Health gauge
  ■ Create the user manual & tutorials
  ■ Make enemy to move(Partly done)
  ■ Real-time Ranking
  ■ File I/O for the offline DB
  ■ Make enemy bullets to move in angles(Linear function) (partly done)

Nice to have

Real-time Ranking
  ■ Add player name input Part
  ■ File I/O for the offline DBMake enemy bullets to move in angles(Linear function)

Testing Chart

Test Date Test Name Input Expected Output Actual Output Remark
June 13 Moving Player Up Keyboard Hit (w) Move Player up until the height limitation on the array and screen Move Player up until the height limitation on the array and screen PASS
June 13 Moving Player Left Keyboard Hit (a) Move Player left on the array and screen Move Player left until the end of the map on the array and screen PASS
June 13 Moving Player Down Keyboard Hit (s) Move Player down on the array and screen Move Player down until the end of the map on the array and screen PASS
June 13 Moving Player Right Keyboard Hit (d) Move Player right on the array and screen Move Player right until the end of the map on the array and screen PASS
June 14 Player Shooting type1 Bullet Keyboard Hit (L) Player Shoots bullet and moves on the array and screen Player Shoots bullet and moves on the array and screen PASS
June 15 Enemy Type5 Shooting Bullet Not Required Type5 Enemy(%) Shoots bullet down on the array and screen Type5 Enemy(%) Shoots bullet down on the array and screen PASS
June 15 Enemy Type5 Moving Not Required Type5 Enemy(%) moves down randomly on the array and screen Type5 Enemy(%) moves down randomly on the array and screen FAIL
June 16 Losing Score when Hit Not Required Player loses 25% of the total score when it gets hit by Type5 Bullet(@) has shot Player loses 25% of the total score when it gets hit by Type5 Bullet(@) has shot PASS
June 16 Gets Score when Enemy Type5(%) is Hit Not Required Player gets 15 point when Enemy Type5(%) gets hit by Player's Bullet(|) Player gets 15 point when Enemy Type5(%) gets hit by Player's Bullet(|) PASS
June 16 Gets Score when Enemy Type7(&) is Hit Not Required Player gets 25 point when Enemy Type7(&) gets hit by Player's Bullet(|) Player gets 25 point when Enemy Type7(&) gets hit by Player's Bullet(|) PASS
June 24 Enemy type7 determine the path of the Bullet Not Required Enemy Type7(&) Calculates the linear function of the bullet to hit the player Enemy Type7(&) Calculates the linear function of the bullet to hit the player PASS
June 24 File IO for DB Not Required Open the correct DB file and loads the ranking data Open the correct DB file and loads the ranking data PASS