[ICS4UI]Under40 Dice Game for ICS3U

Under40 Dice Game Project Development Doc

Introducing the Game

Under40 Dice Game is the game with is basically calculating the score based on the rolled dice by the user.
The game continues until a person reaches the score of 1000.
As the name of the game shows, each round continues until a person reaches the score of 40.
The game calculates the score on it's own unique score table.

The rule of the game is: 1. Each player roll 2 dice to determine who starts. Player with the highest roll goes first. High ties reroll.
2. Starting at a score of 0 for each round, a player rolls both dice and adds a score based on the following rules:
a. If doubles are rolled, score is double the result of multiplying the pips.
b. If there is one or more even dice, score is result of multiplying pips.
c. If both dice are odd, score is the result of multiplying the pips and subtracting the lower of the two. (Note: you will always be adding an even number to your score.)
3. A player’s turn includes rolling both dice, identifying the new cumulative score and then decides if they can/want to roll again to get closer to 40.
a. If the player scores 40 exactly, the round ends and they earn 40 times the number of players as points. Next round starts with the player on the left (clockwise).
b. The starting player in the round must roll once and may choose to stop at any time as long as there score is under 40.
c. If a players score goes above 40, they bust and their score will be counted to be awarded to the winner of the round.
4. Once the starting player stops, play passes to the left and they roll until they get a score higher than the previous player and closer to 40 or bust.
5. Round ends when one player reaches exactly a score of 40 or everyone but one person busts.
6. Winner of the round accumulates points at the end of the round by the sum of all the busted player scores or if they earn exactly 40, they earn 40 times the number of players in the game for the round.
7. First player who reaches 1000 points wins.

Planning Part